Disclaimer: This prediction is purely based on watching the trailer for the movie and without any knowledge of what this movie is about. We apologise for our ignorance in advance but hey, it's us.
Jables: First off. Bond and Solo...hawt.
Quantom: Bond looks good. Solo so DAMN old.
J: [Laughs]
Q: Also, the title of the movie kind of sucks.
J: Yeah.
Q: I thought that with a name like 'Cowboys and Aliens' it would be really light hearted, but it seems to take itself pretty seriously. Okay, so it also has Sam Rockwell.
J: I'm a fan.
Q: Not sure about the token bird...isn't she from something?
J: Tron recently. Olivia Wilde, I remember she was on OC.
Q: So obviously Bond and her hook up. Going out on a limb to say they'll live happily ever after.
J: Agreed. Thoughts on the special effects?
Q: I mean they seem okay, but it reminds me of District 9. It looks good but you're like, "Hey these are graphics." What do you reckon?
J: They weren't Green Lantern bad but as you say, they stick out like dogs balls.
Q: [laughs] Green Lantern.